Times change and with it styles and designs, innovations and discoveries, with each generation making its mark. Some trends and styles however are simply to good to miss out on and reappear time and again. New generations adapt or adopt classic designs, reinventing and updating or simply embracing a fabulous old favourite. What was once thought of as old fashioned will inevitably at some stage become ‘newly discovered’ again and classed as vintage. The vintage vibe along with upcycling and recycling is currently among the top trends in home décor. There are many ways to achieve that coveted vintage style and beautiful reclaimed authentic antique tiles can help you do it. Here is how.
Do a Little Research
Picking a design style to suit your home and reflect your personality has become much easier over the past few decades. The ability to look up anything you want to know about on the internet has opened a whole world of discovery to us all and allows us to embrace and enjoy beautiful interior design techniques, once not shared outside the professional’s circle. One area that interior designers regularly shine at is the expertise and understanding of pieces they select to put into a space. It is not all about matching colour schemes, but utilising period pieces in the right manner to enhance a setting.
Understanding and appreciating the history of the pieces you include in your room adds another level of interest. Before styling your room why not explore and research the heritage of items. Spanish reclaimed tiles date back through the decades and some rare and unique patterns and designs are engrained with history of their previous lives. At Maitland & Poate we search out a huge variety of antique and vintage tiles from crumbling ancient homes throughout Spain. Selecting only the finest options to choose from and best of all, we have the history behind the tiles as well.
The Use of Accent Tiles
Sometimes we are lucky enough to find a wonderful large quantity of tiles in one place and have an abundance of a specific pattern exclusively available at Maitland & Poate, but unfortunately this is rare and over time many unique designs have been lost or simply too damaged to restore and be laid again. That does not mean you can’t enjoy at least some of our favorite antique reclaimed encaustic cement tiles, there are still vast selections and batch options available. Using the smaller quantity designs as Accent tiles is the perfect way of still including a rare vintage find as well as providing you with a unique look to a wall or floor. Many people use accent tiles in the backsplash of their kitchen or bathroom for an addition of colour when not wanting a room saturated with a specific shade. It is the ideal way to get the vintage tile experience on the small scale.
Mix and Match
Sometimes it is very difficult to find the exact type of tile you want for a space. Maybe you love a lot of different patterns and cannot simply choose just one. That is not a problem when designing a vintage style home. Maitland & Poate understands the challenges that can come with interior design and offers a solution to your problem. Many of our most popular and even limited tiles come in a patchwork option. This is where you tell us how much tile you require and we send you a mismatched box of exceptionally crafted tiles. They are all the same size, but have various patterns, vintage style was often mismatched as in the past nothing was mass produced so mixing various textures, colour and patterns is all part of the fun.
Maitland & Poate
If you are new to the interior design world or are a seasoned professional, we have everything you need at Maitland & Poate. Our tile specialists personally seek out, source and save the perfect reclaimed and antique tiles for your various projects. Whether you want to floor an entire home or are just looking for accent tiles to make a statement in a specific space, we have what you need. We love sharing our passion for tiles and have a vast knowledge of Spanish antique, vintage, and reclaimed tiles which we can put to work for you. At Maitland & Poate, you can browse our online tile options for hours and find the exact one for what you need. Visit us online today and let us help you find your perfect vintage tiles.